

Seeking cover

I met Matt Kragh in 2010. He suggested that I meet his wife Trista Sue after a lengthy conversation that we had at a local Quiznos. I guess he sensed the same language and leadership views. I immediately meet her. After conversing with Trista Sue I knew without a shadow of doubt that I was supposed to move to Naples, FL. Sometimes we leave our comfort zones not to immediately change the world, but to get the empowerment, education, and the proper equipping to prepare us for the next level of influencing. She was under Dr. Myles Munroe’s covering and because I already knew of him when I lived in Trinidad & Tobago from 1995-1998 I felt it was a safe and good move. I made the transfer almost immediately. I got the double portion from both her and him. Trista is an amazing teacher and friend. I stood there for at least five years. While on the move there was a cassette of a speaker named Mike Murduck on the floor of the moving truck. My friend allowed me to place it in the tape deck. It said, “What you are willing to leave for God will determine what He’ll bring to you.” My move of faith was confirmed over and over again after that. Covering should be sought because of Information that you need to get in order to help you get to where you want to be. Leadership is caught, not taught. “The safest place on earth is in community and under authority” - Dr. Myles Munroe.


at the right place at the right time

This is an amazing story about awareness and availability. While serving as a missionary in Trinidad & Tobago of the West Indies, Roberto had an extraordinary experience that he will explain in his upcoming book “Beyond The Hustle” and on a particular website as well entitled “At the Right place at the Right Time” (coming soon). It’s about, what he calls, a divine orchestration from beginning to end that is loaded with learning principles to help you understand God’s leading and presence for your individual journey. He believes that everyone, I mean everyone, can learn to follow this intuitive leading if they are willing to practice it. By practice he means many mistakes can and will be made at first but eventually one can master it or get it right - even Nail It! Some people call this Practicing His Presence. The two most common ingredients present in this process are JOY and PEACE. “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace” (Ish 55:12). These will always be the two leading denominators but many other very interesting things occur in this process and Roberto will cover them in his book.

The end of this process caused a young man to be saved from suicide and Roberto didn’t even know that the cameras were rolling. I wasn’t a actually “priest”, but they didn’t know that at the time. "Unidentified man who fire officials said appreared to be a preacher coaxes Joel Haynes from jumping off the the Salvatori Building. He eventually came down and was escorted to St. Ann's Hospital where he was further evaluated." Daily Express, 1995 (Trinidad & Tobago, WI).


roberto and dr. myles Munroe

I was extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to be mentored and taught by one of the best teachers of our time. The late Dr. Myles Munroe is a best-selling author of numerous books, a leadership developer, political and business consultant, and pastor/spiritual advisor to hundreds, even thousands. His legacy lives on through the lives of many who have taken hold of the baton that he so freely extended by not holding back information. I was privileged through my direct mentor Trista Sue to attend and graduate from his Leadership Mentorship Program. I sat at his feet in numerous private and public settings. I learned to take notes when he opened his mouth since wisdom is the principle thing in life and we retain up to 68% of information when jotting things down. His main topics included: leadership, purpose, vision, potential, the kingdom of God, and he was loaded with information on topics of relationships - both for singles and couples. I took it all in and intend on helping as many people as I can by “Provoking them to Pinpoint and Pursue their Purpose.

He invited me to join him on a trip to Africa and than return with him to the Leadership Conference at Freeport, Bahamas. I declined that one and assured him that I will join him on the next one. Unfortunately, that was his last earthly trip/mission. He, his family, and a lot of our friends didn’t make it to that Freeport Conference. Upon landing the plane crashed. Now all we can do is take the baton and Go into all the World to make Students/Disciples by Teaching them all that we Learned. “Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence." (Harvard Business School definition of leadership)