7:30 PM19:30

The Kingdom Education, Administration, and Glory Principle

All kingdoms establish a system and program for training and educating their citizens. The education system is designed to transfer, reenforce, and inculcate the laws, values, morals, and manners of the king and the kingdom to succeeding generations and new citizens.

“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” (Romans 15:4 NIV).

“Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you” (2 Peter 1:13 NKJV)

The king himself said, “All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” (John 14:25-26).

All kingdoms establish a system through which they administer their judgments and programs to the citizens. The administrative program is also designed to protect the rights and privileges of the citizens and their access to the king’s favor.

Lastly, “ The glory of the king is all and everything in the kingdom that represents and manifests the true nature of the king himself. The glory literally means “true essence or full weight.

“Who among the gods is like You, O Lord? Who is like You— majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? You stretched outYour right hand (Exodus 15:11-12a).

Hope to see you on Wednesday. The location to be determined.

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7:30 PM19:30

Understanding Kingdom Concepts to Empower us to LIVE EFFECTIVELY!

We have gone over and expounded on over 13 Kingdom Concepts and Principles so far… This Outline (Below) effectively highlights more principles surrounding Kingdom Concepts, specifically regarding protection and authority within a divine framework. Here are some key insights on the principles we will discuss on this day:

  1. The Kingdom Army Principle: This emphasizes the idea that just as earthly kingdoms have military forces to protect their citizens, God's Kingdom also has spiritual forces—specifically angels—to defend and guide believers. The concept suggests that Christians can trust in God's protective measures rather than engage in personal warfare.

  2. The Kingdom Delegated Authority Principle: This principle reflects the idea that Christ has given authority to His followers, allowing them to act as representatives of God’s Kingdom. This authority empowers believers to navigate challenges and invoke spiritual defenses without resorting to aggression.

  3. The Kingdom Ambassador Principle: Citizens of a Kingdom have the role of ambassadors, representing their home Kingdom in a foreign land. This requires them to convey the values, peace, and guidelines of their Kingdom, thus emphasizing their identity in spiritual matters and their calling to influence the world positively.

  4. The Kingdom Education Principle: Understanding the knowledge and teachings of the Kingdom is vital for citizens. This principle underlines the importance of spiritual education in equipping believers to recognize their roles and responsibilities within God's Kingdom effectively.

The references you provided reinforce the call for believers to engage in a posture of trust and reliance on God rather than taking matters into their own hands. It inspires a greater comprehension of spiritual warfare, which hinges on faith and divine assistance rather than personal efforts.

In summary, these principles guide believers to understand their identity, authority, and the support available to them through God’s Kingdom and its angelic forces. The scriptures well mentioned will encourage a focused and peaceful approach, trusting in divine protection and oversight. I believe you will be changed in King Jesus Name!

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7:30 PM19:30

Understanding Kingdom Concepts to Empower us to LIVE EFFECTIVELY!

We have been plunging into Kingdom Concepts with the purpose of better understanding and appreciating the good news brought to Earth by our Lord Jesus and grasping our Creator’s Original Intent for Earth (both go hand in hand). All kingdoms function on the principles of a Commonwealth, Royal Privilege, Kingdom Economy, and a Code of Ethics, etc. Citizens in a kingdom are supposed to stand out. When the welfare of the king’s citizens is excellent, then the king’s reputation among other kings is honorable. Kingdoms provide for all the needs of their citizens, and the king is personally committed to and involved in the welfare of his citizens. Commonwealth is the king’s commitment to ensuring that all of his citizens have equal ACCESS to the wealth and resources of the kingdom. Access is better than ownership in the Kingdom of God, and in any kingdom for that matter, because in a kingdom the king owns everything in his kingdom anyway.

Access allows you to experience true success by getting whatever you need to live while representing your king. We live, rule and have our being in Him! “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:19).

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7:30 PM19:30

More Kingdom Concepts to Empower the Believer. "Access is Better Than Ownership"

We are plunging into Kingdom Concepts with the purpose to better understand and appreciate the good news brought to earth by our Lord and Creator. All kingdoms function on the principle of a commonwealth. Commonwealth is the king’s commitment to see that all of his citizens have equal ACCESS to the wealth and resources of the kingdom. This is important to the king because the quality of life of the citizens of a kingdom reflects the GLORY and REPUTATION of the king. When the welfare of the king’s citizens is excellent, then the king’s reputation among other kings is honorable. Kingdoms provide for all the needs of their citizens; and the king is personally committed to and involved in the welfare of his citizens. Access is better than Ownership in the Kingdom of God, and in any kingdom for that matter,, because in a kingdom the king owns everything in his anyways.

Access allows you to experience true success by getting whatever you need to live while representing your king. “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:19).

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Understanding 26 Concepts of Kingdoms
7:30 PM19:30

Understanding 26 Concepts of Kingdoms

The message of the Bible is about a King, a Kingdom, and His royal offspring. Every one of the 7.8 billion people on planet Earth is seeking the Kingdom of God, which is their ultimate fulfillment. Every religion and activity of mankind is man’s attempt to find the Kingdom. It is the pearl that out-values all pearls, and the only treasure that is worth all the other treasures of life. The Kingdom is life itself. Therefore it is imperative, crucial, and necessary that we all understand the concepts of kingdoms so that we can better appreciate the good news brought to earth by our Lord and Creator.

All true kingdoms contain the same characteristics and components. We will cover 26 concepts and principles of kingdoms that the student should know and become familiar with. We will study and apply them to the message of the Kingdom of God and heaven taught by the King Himself, Jesus Christ, in order to fully understand your purpose, potential, power, and position in life.”

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Understanding Kingdom Concepts and Finding Your Place in God's Kingdom
7:30 PM19:30

Understanding Kingdom Concepts and Finding Your Place in God's Kingdom

We will cover kingdom concepts to give the student a better understanding of God’s Kingdom. “There is nothing as powerful as a Concept, and nothing more dangerous than a Misconception.” (Myles Munroe).

The message of the Bible is about a King, a Kingdom, and His royal offspring (His Kids). Every person on this planet is looking or seeking for the Kingdom of God. All 7.9 Billion of us. It is our ultimate fulfillment. Every religion we have come up with and every activity under the sun is our (mankind’s) attempt to find the Kingdom. It is the pearl that when a merchant found it, he sold all that he had to buy it. (Matthew 13:45).

Now when we find our place in it we are able to advance it here on earth. This is our sweet spot, living within our domain, operating in our area of gifting, and occupying until He comes back. As good stewards of God’s Kingdom we have dominion over all of God’s resources and in an area of gifting to serve one another more effectively. We are to have DOMINION again here on earth because this is what we lost. We dominate now, in the Sour here and now (present), not idly wait for the sweet by and by (future). Dominion is our mandate. (Genesis 1:26). Let’s take it back!

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Understanding Concepts of the Kingdom (Part 1)
7:30 PM19:30

Understanding Concepts of the Kingdom (Part 1)

  • Self Discovery Learning HUB (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On this day we will cover some Concepts of God’s Heavenly Kingdom to give you, the perpetual student, a better understanding of how the kingdom operates here on earth and to know your place in it.

Without the proper concepts misconception will be inevitable and can cripple us to take DOMINION as Privileged Citizens . “Our true citizenship is in heaven” (Phil 3:20). Therefore, we ought to seek, explore, pursue and study as much of the Kingdom as possible to walk in our full privilege, rights, and authority.

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7:30 PM19:30

Understanding Your Place in the Kingdom (for the marketplace)

335 S Biscayne Blvd, “Party Room” 11th Floor, Miami, FL 33131

We will cover Kingdom Concepts in order to give the student a better understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. We will also help the student identify their place in it to effectively Influence the Market Place. Remember, we are to “go into all the world” (Mark 16:15), not be confined between four walls. We aren’t only called to “worship, but to work.”. Our gifts is our domain. You don’t necessarily need to go to a geographical area to make your impact. Your “Work”, which is a combination of who you are and what you do, is supposed to be used to bring God’s kingdom to earth, just like it is in heaven.. You take that to a job setting or any other place to make your mark and glorify your Heavenly Government in Heaven (God).

“I have glorified you on earth by completing the WORK you assigned to me.” (John 17:4). Jesus, our greatest example of a leader, did this while on earth.

“In the same manner, let your light shine before all men, that they may see your good WORKS and glorify your Father in heaven”. (Matt 5:16). We too are commissioned to be involved in our work in order to efficiently bring heaven’s culture to earth’s territory (Domain) and make God glorified here on earth. “Long Live The King who is worthy of all the Glory!”

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7:00 PM19:00

Getting Grace in order Go, Grow & Globetrot (Part 2)

More and more people are leaving the potential of the negative influences that come from toxic environments: from family members to mere friends in order to secure their PURPOSE. Some have left cities and towns looking for their sweet spot to just start afresh. I’m seeing this in Naples, FL first hand.

Two Thursdays ago we covered how God told Abraham, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you” (Genesis 12:1). The result was that he became great and the pioneer of what it means to walk by faith. His purpose and destiny entailed becoming the FATHER of Faith and was an honored granted for his obedience alone. He had to act in hope against hope (not knowing where he was going) in order to walk by faith and not by sight.

Joseph was another example of one who had to first leave a toxic environment, which included his own family, before he could become what was essentially the prime minister of Egypt. He went from being persecuted (from his family), to being thrown into a pit, then into prison. But throughout his story we continuously read, “The Lord was with him” and “granted him favor” (Genesis 39: 2,4). All of this was his personal preparation for his PURPOSE.

Both had one thing in common. They had grace to go! God told Abraham to “leave” (Genesis 12:1) and of Joseph we constantly read, “ The Lord was with him and extended kindness to him, granting him favor” (Genesis 39:21). God telling you to GO or granting you favor as you GO is all the grace you need succeed!

One must depend on this amazing endowment from above called grace in order to go, then grow, and eventually globetrot. Don’t just go, but get grace to go! In order to hear God one must blockout some unauthorized voices and pull away from certain negative influences. Only then can we operate under this special grace that will enable us to follow our God-given purpose and globetrot. Go into all the world, grow into your full self, and globetrot not just by taking part, but by taking over!

See you on Thursday!

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Declaring Independence from Other People's Expectations
7:00 PM19:00

Declaring Independence from Other People's Expectations

Declaring Independence of Other People’s Expectations is key if one is going to walk in their full Authroity. The potential for negative influences from family members and/or familiars in regard to VISION is probably the reason why most World Changers are intuitively led to leave certain well-acquainted environments.

The Lord told Abraham, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you” (Genesis 12:1). The result was that he became a Father of Nations. His purpose and destination was huge though the journey wasn’t fully revealed. He had to act in hope against hope. He walked by faith, not sight.

Joseph was another example of a world-changer who had to first leave his own family before he could become what was essentially a prime minister of Egypt. The challenge is that when you begin to step outside what others expect you to be, they begin to see you as a problem. One must still go, in order to grow, and then globetrot. Sometimes, we need to pull away from the influence of even those we love if we are going to follow our God-given visions.

People will limit you when they want you to be what they want you to be, not what you were born to be. Voluntarily get into your incubator of Self Discovery to become your best version of your self and not yield to other people’s expectations. See you on Thursday!

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Fulfill Your Calling Through Concentration & Prioritizing
7:00 PM19:00

Fulfill Your Calling Through Concentration & Prioritizing

When you take you eyes off your mark, you will end up where you don’t want to be. Your primary goal is to truly find what you are born to do. Then narrow your laser-focus attention by growing on this new foundation of life. You’ll become innovative, creative, and find strength and momentum in the process. It’s the path, journey and process, not just the destination, of those who are aligned to God and their purpose who will eventually shine ever brighter unto the perfect day. Everything will become clear!

Concentration is the key that opens the door to accomplishment. “The first law of success…is concentration-to bend all energies to one point, and to go directly to that point, looking neither to the right not to the left.” (William Matthews).

Let’s nail it together as we receive knowledge and revelation into our very own lives and build on that important foundation that will add to our contentment and a true fulfilled life. (RAH).

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7:15 PM19:15

How to Be Successfully Single (Part 4)

Again, This session will cover what it means to be single and easy steps on overcoming loneliness. It’s possible to be alone and not lonely. Also, we weren’t meant to do life alone. Did you know that to be single means to be Whole, Unique, & Separate? Many married people need also to be single while with their significant others. We covered Part 2 on May 10th, Part 3 on May 24th and now you’re invited for Part 4 on June 14th. Tested life principles for living effectively. Put it in your calendar prepare to be there. Don’t let South Florida’s Traffic or Distance be your determining factor. Come out! Folks come from Boca, Kendell, and even from Jamaica & Trinidad. JK! Lol 😂. However, one person did walk in “by mistake” from Oklahoma. At the end of the class she said it was definitely divinely orchestrated. She was meant to be there. God works it all out if we just set it up. It’s SET! Appetizers will be served. Inbox or email me for more details. Roberto Hernandez. Self-Discovery Learning Center. At the social Club. 1800 S Ocean Dr. Hallandale, FL.

Feel free to invite a friend or two (or more) to freely receive information, insight, wisdom, direction and impartation. Remember to be a student, not a spectator. The goal is to “Provoke People to Pinpoint and Pursue Their Purpose.” (RAH).

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7:30 PM19:30

How to Be Successfully Single (Part 3)

Hallandale Beach Club on 1800 S Ocean drive, “Social Club” (1st Floor). Tower 3. Valet Parking is $2.50. FREE EVENT!

“How to be successfully single.” (Part 3). Did you know that to be single means to be Whole, Unique, & Separate? Many married people need also to be single while with their significant others. We covered Part 2 on May 10th. It was off the hook. Tested life principles for living effectively. Put it in your calendar as we prepare to cover part 3 on Friday, the 24th of May. Don’t let South Florida’s Traffic or Distance be your determining factor. Come out! Folks come from Boca, Kendell, and even from Jamaica & Trinidad. JK! Lol 😂. Only FL so far. Appetizers will be served. Inbox or email me for more details. Roberto Hernandez. Self-Discovery Learning Center. 1800 S Ocean Dr. Hallandale, FL.

Feel free to invite a friend or two (or more) to freely receive information, insight, wisdom, direction and impartation. Remember to be a student, not a spectator. The goal is to “Provoke People to Pinpoint and Pursue Their Purpose.” (RAH).

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