What You Can Expect


Here’s what you can expect from me and my team:

  • Provoking People to Pinpoint and Pursue Their Purpose

  • Understanding Your Three Ds: Your Desire, Design, and Distinctiveness

  • Tapping into Your Work Beyond Your Job

  • Pinpointing Your Micro-Niche in order to Live Beyond the Hustle.

  • How to Emerge with Your Full Potential

  • True Servant Leadership: Influencing through Inspiration, birthed from True Passion, Vision, Conviction and ignited by a Purpose.

  • How to live with Vision and Dream

My Most Requested Topics

As you read, Roberto speaks on topics related to self-discovery, purpose, vision, leadership development, attitude and influence.. He usually customizes his presentation to meet your group, organization’s, church, and teams specific needs. His goal is to facilitate the outcome you want to create, as the student’s interest determines the teacher’s topic.

My most requested topics include the following in a more elaborate way:

How to Find Your Purpose

Purpose means “original intent.” It is the reason for which something was created, made, or for which it exist. Discovery your original reason for being is key to living a fulfilled life. How can one discover their purpose? It’s found in two places. When a purpose of a thing is unknown abuse or “ab-normal use” is inevitable. 

True Leadership Philosophy

Many people reduce leadership to a special endowment of the “elite few” while the rest of us are followers. Leadership cannot be taught, but can only be caught. Leadership is not measured by how many people follow, but of how many are being served. Leadership is a capacity to influence through something specific that you are inspired to do in service to others. It is the result of a vision that entails you area of gifting. 

Unleashing Your Inner Potential

Responsibility is really "respond-ability" or the ability to respond to the requirements of your vision. Your ability or POTENTIAL is determined by your purpose. Whatever you are called to do, you are equipped to do. The ability is inherent because of the assignment. Potential is hidden capability, untapped power, and unreleased energy. It is everything you can do, but haven't yet done, and everything you can be, but haven't yet become.

Discovering Your Work Beyond Your Job

Work is not somewhere you go. Your true work is a combination of who you are and what you do, you can take it with you to a job setting. The word work is “ergon” in Greek and denotes a task that carries out an inner desire, intent, and/or purpose. It also is derived from the root verb meaning “to become.” You and your work are ONE. You get paid to do your job, but you were born to do your work. Find what brings you true personal fulfillment.

How to Make Yourself Valuable

"Try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value" - Albert Einstein. If you really want to be successful in life, don't seek it. True success is becoming a person of value. Make yourself valuable to the world. The way to do this is by making yourself so unique that people won't be able to find anyone like you, your product, or services anywhere else. It's your uniqueness that will ultimately make you valuable. Your importance, usefulness, and worth is in your unique developed gift. VALUE + REFINEMENT = SUCCESS.

Principles on Winning Friends

The wisest king that ever lived penned this statement: “… He who wins souls (people) is wise." (Prov. 11:10 NIV). One best selling book is entitled, “ How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. In order to serve people with your product, service, or spiritual belief, you must first win them over as friends. In business if you make a sale you get a commission, but of you win a friend you make a fortune. Being wise denotes being able to shift with your different audiences. To be strategic requires wisdom. Wisdom is key and should be the primary pursuit in all our social affairs. It is skillfully applying the knowledge you have understood. There are different strokes for different folks that you must learn and that are required to WIN!

Power of Attitude

Attitude cannot be taught. It is the result of a way of thinking. The lion is not the greatest, strongest, smartest, or tallest in the animal kingdom, yet he’s considered the leader. Why? He believes that the other animals are his lunch. He creates his environment by his belief. “For as he (the man) thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Prov. 23:7). Attitude is “a settled way of thinking (belief) about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.” We can learn ways on how to think differently. 

The Next Step

Thanks for considering me for your event or even trying out a free session of ours in South Florida. Coming out to one of my events to is just as important to me as coming to your group setting.